`7 Self Facial Massage Techniques for Natural Recovery `Overview

Self-Facial Massage Course cover photo.

Self Facial Massage Course and concentration Technique Works

For already 2 years in a row, my face (and body for 1 year) shows signs of recovery.

My 63 years, which were evident in my appearance, are gradually diminishing, and I am delighted to look younger. Since everything on this website already (and even more in the future) pertains to health and quality of life in the later stages of life, I believe that modesty is not appropriate. Similar joyful results are possible for all those who start working on it.

I will describe the processes and activities as accurately as possible. At the same time, I wish for you to approach your activities with a relaxed, evaluative, and creative mindset. After all, we have different natures and bodies.

So– let’s be creative!

Self Facial Massage Course Application

 The goal of the course is to show you that regular stimulation of the face using massage-like techniques encourages the face to rejuvenate.

The body’s recovery potential does not require the complex art of massage.

It is a resource of the body that opens up when the right conditions are established.

Consistency, simple stimulation, and the right tuning are enough for the body’s renewal processes to work effectively.

A collage of self-facial massage course methods.
Self facial-massage: a woman massages the corners of her mouth.

General Information About the Course

  • The course is based on personal experiences.

11 months of consistent facial massage sessions and 12 months of positive concentration sessions demonstrated that facial restoration and rejuvenation are possible.

  • The goal of the course’s physical techniques is to stimulate facial rejuvenation.

This process requires a different approach compared to conventional classical massage and traditional massage techniques.

Since the techniques need to be performed consistently, my goal was to make them as simple as possible. By using simple techniques and tools, it is easier to be consistent, and the results over time are more extensive.

  • And also…–

it is worth appreciating the gradual and not rapid manifestations of changes.

In such a process, you can be confident in observing the natural recovery process of the body, and you can also be assured that the changes will have a lasting and long-term effect.

  • In the videos, I demonstrate the use of tools for facial massage.

Since the facial rejuvenation effect requires performing techniques over an extended period, using tools significantly eases your work and makes it easier to remain consistent.

My views on the body

In this facial massage course, I share a personal experience– one stage of my journey.

In creating the course, I used my professional skills and knowledge, as well as worldview aspects to describe and explain the functioning of the body’s inner nature.

When you watch the introductory videos, you will find that you are familiar with what is being said and described; it is not foreign to you at all. But as always– someone needs to remind us of important things again and again, because the demands of life and culture are so encompassing that essential foundational knowledge tends to be forgotten.


A woman keeps her hands on her face.
Self-facial massage: a woman massages her cheek.

The self facial massage course includes:

  • 6 physical methods for facial massage.

In the course, I will show you six methods for performing facial massages – three demonstrating strong techniques and three gentle techniques.

  • The 7th video demonstrates the concentration method.

The method video (“Positive Feeling Sessions Work Wonders With the Body…”) explains how to use positive feelings to bring about good changes in the face and body.

You can straighten your posture, reduce your body proportions, and rejuvenate your face.

These body possibilities are amazing!

There is so much more for you to explore and discover here.

All good potentials are already within you. It is so natural to invest in your well-being and health.

When to start?

  • It is good to begin regular facial care in the mid-40s.

With a series of treatments or consistent efforts, it is possible to slow down the signs of facial aging and keep the face fresh over the years.

  • People over 50 can restore and rejuvenate their face with consistent practice.
Self-facial massage: a woman takes a zigzag shot of her face.
A woman massages her forehead with both hands.

For those seeking quick changes

Those who are looking for faster results should try the 6th and 7th methods.

However, you still need to invest time and attention into the process.

The physical techniques portion of the course  is not suitable…

for those who have undergone facial surgeries or used fillers.


the 6th massage technique– ‘Massage with Feelings’– and

the positive concentration method in the video `Sessions of Positive Feelings Work Wonders With the Body…` are safe and suitable for those for whom regular facial massages are otherwise prohibited.

You can find both videos among the materials of the self-facial massage course. 

You can learn about the concentratilon method here:

Proven Techniques

The course materials are based on techniques that I have personally used for my facial restoration.

I share my experiences in the course video ‘Massages Rejuvenate the Face!’ I have conducted thorough research and can confirm that facial massages yield valuable results.

When you look at the pairs of images below and compare the changes, first pay attention to the overall changes in facial structure.

In the case of natural restoration, the stimulated facial muscles gain tone, contract, and begin to lift the entire face as a whole.

It’s worth noting that the wrinkles that were present initially are still there, but their depth and the depth of the facial folds have decreased by half or even more.

A more detailed analysis of the facial changes is below.

Before starting with facial massages… (60.5 years old)

(The photos from the video films were taken with the same camera in the same location. The difference between the pictures is the light intensity, which depends on the window and the different seasons when they were captured.

Since the pictures were taken from video clips, they have undergone an editing process. This process has been the same for all photo pairs. All the changes you see are accurate.)

Before starting with facial massages… (60.5 years old)

A woman's appearance before starting self-facial massage sessions.

After 11 months of facial massages, my face has already changed significantly…

A woman's appearance after a year of self-facial massages.

I was very pleased with the changes in my face, and it shows in the pictures.

In reality, however, I was still dissatisfied with the deep folds beside my nose and the condition of my facial skin at that time.

Considering the literature on the effects of body rejuvenation, I was quite passionate about my efforts– I wanted to improve my quality of life and began my journey.

Since the path I proposed is inherently easy (the positive concentration sessions are also pleasant in nature)… the only difficulty I experienced was doubt—does it really work?

This was the only stress factor for me. I hope and work hard, and what if it is all in vain? I wouldn’t have regretted the effort itself, as it has been interesting, but rather the disappointment of shattered hopes…

However, the activities were successful.

Nature is nature– very reliable in its essence if supported.

Before starting the positive Concentration sessions

After finishing the facial massages, I did nothing with my face for 4 months.

I was sick for a while, and the photo pair below shows signs of illness before starting the positive concentration sessions.

The woman's appearance before starting the positive concentration sessions.

12 months of positive concentration sessions…

A woman after one year of the positive concentration method.

During the facial massages, I didn’t want to mix my methods (I didn’t do positive concentration sessions). It would have been difficult to understand what and how it was affecting me.

I already knew that the concentration sessions worked. However, I did the sessions in a new way– more calmly, with enjoyment, and no longer so passionately.

I also supported my body’s overall condition and health with the concentration sessions.

In total, I did 2 sessions per week for body condition and 2 sessions per week for the face.

So, I achieved well-being for my body and also gave my face some aesthetic refinement.

The changes in the face aren’t actually very visible from the photos. It’s easier to notice the facial changes in the mirror; they are truly gratifying.

Although the lines next to the nose are still quite visible in the photo, in reality, the grooves have already almost leveled out. The eyebrows have lifted, and the eyes have become larger. In short, there is significantly less wrinkling.

Before starting the facial massages, the outer layer of the skin was becoming dry and parchment-like (this isn’t visible in the photos). Only halfway through the concentration sessions did I start to notice that the outer layer was finally changing.

This further confirms my belief that bodily changes occur from the inside out.

When pursuing natural changes in the body, one must continue the process until the internal changes manifest on the outside.

And one more comparison of photos– before starting and 2 years into facial restoration

A woman's appearance before starting self-facial massage sessions.
A woman after one year of the positive concentration method.

Compared to the start, the age has increased by 2 years. Thus, the body is capable of neutralizing the effects of aging and additionally rejuvenating. It’s a powerful process…

And here and there in my texts, I have also confirmed that, at present, facial restoration shows no signs of stopping.

You can see more comprehensive full-size face images in the content of the course.

Results of facial massage for clients

I applied the techniques shown in the course while performing facial massages for clients.

Here’s an example of a facial massage session where I used both strong techniques and so-called soft, or simply stimulating, techniques.

This lady is in her 70s.

Here is a picture of her before starting the sessions.

An older woman before starting a facial massage session.

After a 6-hour session (over the course of 1.5 months), she looked like this: her facial muscles are more toned, and the woman appears more attractive and youthful.

An older woman after a 6-hour facial massage session.

After 1.5 years, she came back for another session.

Now her face looked like this…

The picture shows that her facial skin is even smoother—there are fewer wrinkles and the lines are smaller.

The same beneficial process has occurred with several other facial massage clients as well.

An older woman 1.5 years after facial massage sessions.

When comparing the first and last photos, it seems as if they are two completely different people.

The woman in the right photo radiates inner peace and confidence.

A rejuvenated appearance boosts our self-esteem and adds confidence in ourselves

It would be wonderful if, as we age, instead of withdrawing from life, we could feel a new strength and self-confidence in realizing ourselves.

I do not underestimate the importance of appearance in a person’s life after middle age.

The subconscious suggestion works unnoticed: a wrinkled face reminds us that we are “diminishing” and “fading,” hinting that we might start withdrawing from life.

However, a smoother face begins to remind us of our own youth, beauty, and strength.

Inspired by my own changes, I found numerous reasons to start pursuing my dreams now. It was a very invigorating and pleasant awakening.

Of course, there were other successes as well, but the younger version of myself looking back from the mirror was what truly lifted my spirits.

To rediscover one’s youthfulness…

The process of facial rejuvenation has been exciting and refreshing, especially due to the delightful results. Facial massages work!

The boost in self-esteem and confidence compensates for much of what comes with inevitable age-related changes.

To be passionate, motivated, and curious once again is very invigorating and gratifying.

Thank you for your interest, and see you in the course!

A cheerful woman walking along the coastline on a sunny summer day.