Relaxing Self-Massage Tip 1

Relaxing Self-Massage. Tip 1

First and foremost, it should be noted that the self-massage advice provided is so simple that your initial inclination might be to dismiss it. Do not do so.

All my subsequent self-massage recommendations are based on relaxation, taking time for yourself, and a sense of well-being, as these components are what enable sessions to be successful.

And here’s the thing…

When you go to a massage therapist, you relax, and the therapist works on your body. Everything is fine, and a certain sense of well-being is guaranteed to you.

However, when you massage yourself, you are doing the work, and your body doesn’t fully relax. That’s why self-massage is often challenging and often not as effective as the result from a massage parlor.

To bypass the reflex of tensing up during self-massage, it’s necessary to create conditions where the body remains sufficiently relaxed.

Small but essential basic rules for self-massage

Self-Massage: Man Watching Television and Massaging Himself
  • First, ensure that your mind, attention, and thoughts are engaged. If you’re watching a TV show that is neutral in content but still interests you, your energy level remains stable. Fatigue or boredom diminishes strength.
  • Perform a consistent technique over a longer period of time. With such a light, simple, and consistent technique, your working hand doesn’t tire much, and your body doesn’t tense up. With more complex and heavier techniques, the body tenses up, and self-massage is not as effective.

With longer, consistent strokes, your body has time to deeply respond to the technique. Body-brain reactions/reflexes don’t work very quickly in terms of relaxation.

  • If you think of self-massage as a pleasure or enjoyable activity, you activate the work of feel-good hormones in your brain/body. Feel-good hormones are already designed by nature to heal the body.
  • I believe this is sufficient to start with. In the future, I intend to develop an entire “philosophy” for enhancing the effectiveness of self-massage. These recommendations are basic and very simple to follow.
Self-Massage: Woman Massaging Shoulder

  • Relax, take a break. Sit down and watch some more neutral TV show. Allocate yourself 15-30 minutes for a rest.

  • Place your hand with a comfortable pressure on your tense shoulder
    or neck and ‘lose yourself’ performing just one technique for 2.5 minutes straight (or even longer). Simply glide with a firm, even pressure – consistently and smoothly for at least 2.5 minutes in a row.

  • After performing the technique (following the listed advice), the muscles in the targeted area are noticeably more relaxed. Be sure to do the same on the other side of the body. Always work equally on both sides of the body.


  • Then choose a new place for the massage and do the same technique for at least 2.5 minutes in a row.


  • Forget about work and feel pleasure (from rest, break or realizing that you are finally taking care of your body). Strain or rushing does not allow muscles to relax and your work brings meager fruits.


  • If you do everything correctly, you may discover that your little massage had pleasant or even wonderful results :). And that practically without effort.



  • However, if you find that you didn’t relax enough and feel that the results of your efforts were not effective – perhaps you were mentally tense, rushed, or the entire activity felt too unfamiliar to you – try again soon.

Practice, practice makes perfect!

Also, check out the positive concentration method on the page, which shows how relaxed and benevolent feelings can improve the well-being of the body.

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