About Me and the Website’s Future

About Me…

My name is Lydia Adone, and I am a professional masseur. I have been doing this work since 2000.

In my practice, I have paid great attention to approaching the body from a holistic perspective: the body is a part of nature, and feelings are an inseparable part of the body’s life.

My favorite aspect is demonstrating massage techniques that people can use on themselves.

Over the past two years, I have noticed significant changes in my face, which is over 60 years old, thanks to the techniques highlighted in the course. And the positive changes continue.

It is impossible not to appreciate the body’s recovery potential and… to leave it untapped.

I have used my knowledge and experience for a facial massage course, and now you can also experience pleasant and enjoyable results related to your face and body.

Although there is still little material on the website, I decided to publish what is available.

If I had known earlier about the body’s recovery potential, as I do now, I would have started at 45 or 50 years old. I would have gained years in physical well-being and self-feeling.

Therefore, my advice to readers is—don’t lose years; start working for your benefit now. Begin even with practice or training until a permanent and regular activity habit forms. Eventually, you will triumph over time and years, and that victory is very enjoyable.

Additionally, I have practiced spiritual meditation techniques and disciplines for over 35 years. I set myself the goal that the skills I acquire must be applicable to a Western lifestyle for practical benefit. From this come experiences with feelings and concentration techniques that facilitated the development of the “Positive Focus Session.”

Wishing everyone a joyful journey!

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A woman keeps her hands on her face.
VitalitySketch site logo.


The page as a whole may become quite unique in the future… It could be modern or unusual or something like that…

After all, this is part of the intention—showing the value of the activity cannot be done differently than by listing all the advantages and benefits. Novelty and discoveries have been one of my goals.

For over ten years, I have been thinking about how to develop simple techniques or methods that would help people living in Western culture, who have busy work schedules and families, find time to take care of themselves.

In fact, the entire body-related process is very personal for both me and the participants. Because… the doer does something for themselves that no one else can partake in. It serves only the life of the doer.

The surroundings may benefit when a person becomes stronger or more productive and does something outward. For example, I have been working on creating a course for two years and plan to share many topics on my website in the future.

And perhaps there is benefit in being a role model. By sharing my experience, I show that all of this is relatively simple, but nature requires time and consistency. When these are present, the fruits are beneficial.

Since there are so many different cultures, traditions, opinions, and attitudes in the world, I have set myself a guiding motto or principle regarding my work:

the most important thing— I benefit… Everything I share serves me and my life all the time and continuously. I own it, I consume it, I enjoy it…

Such a reminder keeps me on course and allows me not to pay attention to what is not in line with my goals, while also adding humility.

Whether people embrace or ignore it is no longer part of my work… That is their decision. As it was said in the old days— the rest is the work of a higher power..

And it is also natural to have understanding compassion for an observer who dislikes that they cannot… That is part of life.

I love the wisdom of Esther and Jerry Hicks regarding Abraham, for example: in the entire universe, the law of attraction works—what you focus on grows.

I want to attract good things… and you certainly do too.

Or as the ancient Chinese sage Laozi says— see the beginning as the end, then your actions will not break (keep the end result in mind at all times).

So let’s look towards the things that give us!

And most importantly— first, what we do serves our lives, making them more enjoyable and joyful.


Thoughts and Feelings from the 12-Month Period of Concentration Sessions

To be honest, I don’t have the right words to adequately express the effects of well-being that emerged from the concentration sessions. There aren’t many comparisons or well-known similar situations against which to analyze this phenomenon comfortably.

Now that I have been conducting sessions for a year, the indescribably good feelings, the huge “wow” effects, and the impression of disbelief are overwhelming…

Yet there are moments when my thoughts nag a bit — I want results faster, I want more, and will I really achieve significant rejuvenation for my body… But what if I end up disappointed?

Questions of the practitioner.

Work must be done consistently, regardless of whether the results are visible or not. I realized this while doing facial massages.

During the massage periods, there were times when nothing changed in my face, even though I was massaging regularly. Then there were periods when each session transformed my face.

Before starting the concentration sessions, I felt that I rated my body a 6-7 out of 10 (0 = no problems, 10 = maximum problems). This feeling wasn’t a short-term assessment, but rather an understanding that the body’s functions had genuinely slowed down, and that this is how aging happens…

Of course, the transition to another job and a year of working at a computer without days off played a significant role. My immunity had declined, and I eventually got pneumonia.

Although being 62 today isn’t particularly remarkable, age becomes significant when you think about the future — each year the body deteriorates further, and problems keep adding up… It creates a very unpleasant horizon.

The concentration technique wasn’t new to me. Six years ago, I started experimenting with the technique and even made a film based on it. At that time, I was more interested in facial massage and its effectiveness.

Now I’ve started concentration sessions again and decided to engage with them regularly, documenting everything once more.

As of now, my body’s condition has improved from a 6-7 out of 10 to a 3-4 over the past year. Thus, my body’s state has improved by a third, and in some aspects, by half.

If I take my body sensations from a year ago (62) as a benchmark for my age, I now feel like I’m in my 50s or sometimes even younger.

My body’s energy level, condition, and movement — all these parameters are a third better.

Even though I can’t see inside my body, the parallel sessions for the face hinted that rejuvenating cellular changes have also occurred within.

Concentration sessions compensate for the shortcomings of my lifestyle

For some reason, I have not tolerated decline since I was very young. I didn’t bring branches with buds into the house (leaf shedding) because I didn’t like the fleeting joy of young leaves and then seeing them wither.

At 36, being in great shape, I decided to start exercising because I didn’t want to accept the age-related limitations of my body, which were still far off but looming. Age and the condition that would take away my freedom to move wherever I wanted — never!

Then an injury happened, and I ended up with a body that functioned poorly for quite some time.

I didn’t allow myself to give up, at least not in my thoughts. I felt that if I didn’t strive, if I mentally gave up, I would lose all my future perspectives. I didn’t allow myself to lose in my mind, even though there were significant problems on a physical level.

Thus, I endured my body’s poor condition for nearly twenty years. In the meantime, I trained to be a masseur to help myself (and others).

Good turns in my body’s well-being came about 6-7 years ago when I created restorative therapy and discovered the positive effects of concentration sessions.

To endure body problems for so long and to start feeling improvements in physical well-being at my current age, and to actually notice that my face is rejuvenating… that is quite significant. It takes some getting used to.

How long will this increase in physical well-being last? What state will my body eventually recover to? Will it really return to the condition I desire? Although I occasionally ask myself such questions, I am now quite certain that the coming years of my life will be quite pleasant. It seems I am moving toward my dream and desire: free and unobstructed movement and functioning until the end of my life.

Yoga disciplines promote youthfulness, as do workouts.

Reading books about body healing highlighted the factors of regularity, time units, and effort. In other words, long-term action.

More passionate individuals achieved results faster. I have also experienced quicker healing effects in my experiments, but these require a level of exertion that can sometimes be quite exhausting. That’s why I decided to work more calmly, but consistently.

In various articles, I have already written that both spiritual literature and scientists’ films explain that all parameters related to the body and environment indicate that people could be half as young as they appear.

Occasionally on Facebook, you come across an elderly supermodel or grandmother who went to the gym and is now a very fit person full of life who knows what they want.

It is clear to everyone that as we age, body functions slow down.

Those who are not active in movement or training feel this most acutely.

I, too, spend most of my free time working at a computer, and my movement habits are not commendable. I do enjoy exercising occasionally and restore my body’s condition through massage, but other intense activities are not particularly characteristic of me.

This lifestyle needs to be compensated for somehow.

Concentration sessions have proven to be a super opportunity to slowly but surely improve my physical well-being. Moreover, they do so in a very comfortable way.

On the website link- “Positive concentration method”– I will share many more of my thoughts and attitudes; you are welcome to read!

Cover image of a Positive Concentration Session.