How Positive Thinking Helped Me Again

Reflection/Experience: How Positive Thinking Helped Me Once Again!

Hello everyone,

I wanted to share with you an interesting experience I recently had, which once again proved the wonderful effect of thought power on our body and mind.

Recently a bee stung me in the hand and usually my body reacts with painful swelling.

Palm 15 Minutes After a Bee Sting

I was aware that the body reacts to feelings (fear, pain, shock from experience) and imaginations of the future (in my case, usually a swollen hand). But all these reactions are based on the past.

What happened at the moment is the first time, happened now (without a past) and is a “pure” case for consciousness.

I decided to lead my experience and determine what happens next. I started using thought-based decisions and positive thinking:

  • my body’s inner/divine potentials, neutralize all the toxic effects of the stin!
  • My DNA, I know you have complete power over the body, neutralize all the consequences of the sting!
  • This is my will and decision!
  • I reminded myself of previous times when similar methods of the power of thought had worked well, and I allowed the memories to evoke positive feelings.
  • And I thought impatiently, happily, and passionately that I want to enjoy a completely healthy hand now, tonight, tomorrow, and in the future (I saw a healthy and good hand in my mind’s eye and felt joy).
Palm 45 Minutes After a Bee Sting

It worked! Again…

Swelling is barely visible. The pain experience was only 3 balls (0- no pain at all, 10- maximum pain).

Palm the Day After a Bee Sting

The next day, the hand was normal in size and condition. There were only occasional small stings of pain and Intense itching at the stung spot.

This experience reaffirmed for me how powerful our thoughts and positive attitudes are. Hopefully, this will inspire you to use your thought power to achieve more positive changes in your life.

This is how I’ve tuned myself to heal with small but unpleasant cuts (even small wounds in massage work can be very painful) and minor burns. It has always helped.

To get inspiration for guiding your thoughts and body, check out the website link about positive thinking and the positive concentration method:

Take care and value your body!


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