My Feelings and Thoughts Regarding Positive Concentration Method

The article covers the results of one year of using the Positive Concentration Method.
You can read about the method at the link–Positive Concentration Method. .
My current feelings
To be honest, I don’t really have the right words to adequately express the sense of well-being that emerges as a result of concentration sessions. There aren’t many comparisons or well-known similar situations against which one could comfortably analyze the phenomenon.
Now, after a year of conducting sessions, there are indescribably good feelings, there are very significant ‘wow’ effects, and impressions of incredulity…
And there are moments when thoughts nag a bit – wanting to go faster, wanting more, and wondering if I can really achieve significant rejuvenation of the body… But what if I have to be disappointed later?
Questions of the practitioner.
Work must be done all the time; consistency is important regardless of whether the results are visible or not. I became convinced of this when I was doing facial massages.
While doing massages, there were periods when nothing changed on the face, even though I massaged regularly. And then there were periods when every session changed the face.
Before concentration sessions, I felt that my body didn’t appeal to me, rating it 6-7 out of 10 (0 – no issues, 10 – maximum problems). This feeling wasn’t a short-term observation, but an understanding that the functions of my body had genuinely slowed down, that this was just how aging was supposed to happen…
Of course, transitioning to another job played an important role, as did working without breaks for a year behind a computer. My immunity had declined, and eventually, I developed pneumonia.
Although 62 is not particularly remarkable nowadays, age becomes significant when you think about the future – every year the body deteriorates further and problems keep piling up… It’s a rather unpleasant horizon.
The concentration technique wasn’t new to me. Six years ago, I began experimenting with the technique and even produced a film based on it. However, at that time, I was more interested in facial massage and its effectiveness.
Now, I have restarted concentration sessions and have decided to engage in them regularly. And once again, to document everything.
As of now, my body’s condition has improved from a 6-7 out of 10 in terms of well-being a year ago to about a 3-4 out of 10. Therefore, the body’s condition has improved by a third over the year, and in some aspects, by up to half.
If we take the body sensations from a year ago (62) as a benchmark for my age, then currently, I feel like I’m in my 50s or sometimes even younger.
The body’s energy level, condition, and mobility – all these parameters improved by a third.
Although I can’t see inside my body, parallel sessions on the face gave an indication that rejuvenating cellular changes have also occurred internally.
Positive concentration sessions compensate for lifestyle deficiencies
For some reason, I haven’t tolerated fading since a very young age. I didn’t bring flowering branches into the house (forcing leaves), because I didn’t like the fleeting joy of young leaves and then watching them start to wither.
At the age of 36, being in very good shape, I decided to start exercising because I didn’t want to accept the age-related limitations that, while still far away, were looming. Age and a condition that would take away my freedom to move wherever I want? Never!
Then, however, an injury occurred, and I ended up with a body that functioned poorly for quite a long time.
I didn’t allow myself to give up first in my thoughts. I felt that if I didn’t make an effort, if I mentally gave up, I would lose all my prospects for the future. I didn’t allow myself to lose first in my mind…, even though at the same time, the problems on a physical level were significant.
So, I endured the poor condition of my body for nearly twenty years. In the meantime, I learned massage therapy to help myself (and others).
The positive turning points in my body’s well-being came about 6-7 years ago when I developed body-restorative therapy and discovered the beneficial effects of concentration sessions.
To endure body problems for so long and to start feeling an improvement in physical well-being at my current age, and actually realize that the face is getting younger…, it’s really a lot… It takes some getting used to.
How long will this growth in physical well-being last? What state will the body eventually recover to? Will it really recover to the state I desire? Although I still occasionally ask myself these questions, I am quite confident now – the coming years in my life are going to be quite pleasant. It seems that I’m moving towards my dream and desire: free and unhindered movement and functioning until the end of my life.
Yoga disciplines promote youthfulness, as do workouts.
Reading books on body healing, factors such as regularity, time commitment, and effort emerged from the information. That is, long-term action.
The more passionate ones achieved results faster. In my experiments, I have also achieved faster healing effects, but they require a level of exertion that can sometimes be quite exhausting. Therefore, I have decided to work more calmly now, but consistently instead.
In various articles, I have already written that both spiritual literature and scientists’ films have explained that all parameters related to the human body and the environment indicate that people could be physically half their age.
In the expanses of Facebook, occasionally one encounters an elderly supermodel or grandmother, who, after going to the gym, is now a very fit and energetic individual who knows what she wants.
It’s clear to everyone that as we age, bodily functions slow down.
This is especially felt by those who are not active in movement or exercise.
Even I spend most of my free time working at the computer, and my exercise habits are not commendable. I do enjoy exercising occasionally, and I restore my body’s condition with massage, but more intense activities are not particularly characteristic of me.
Such a lifestyle needs to be compensated for somehow.
Concentration sessions proved to be superb opportunities to gradually but steadily enhance one’s physical well-being. And moreover, in a very convenient way.
Now I’m rooting for myself and other beginners, wishing that all the good continues and grows.