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Can the Wisdom of Eastern Medicine Elements Help Slow Aging?

The Wheel of the Five Elements in Eastern Medicine

The wheel of the elements in Eastern medicine highlighted in the article shows the dominance of the elements or forces within the body depending on age.

  • The wheel of interactions between elements shows that elements influence each other. Is it possible to influence the dominant element of age to grow or decrease with the effects or properties of the opposing element?
  • Is it then possible to slow down bodily age-related changes if one starts regularly doing sessions that raise positive emotions and energy…?
  • My one-year experience with positive focus sessions shows that the level of well-being in the body has risen and changes in appearance (sessions for the face) are completely present.

Eastern medicine with its basic knowledge

has existed for a couple of thousand years. One of the foundations of this branch of medicine is the 5-element system.

Professor Park Jae Woo adapted the elements and divided the FIRE element into two – WARMTH and HEAT, thus creating a 6-element system called 6 Ki.

In every age group, one of the elements dominates, but all elements still function. Because the elements have their characteristic properties and their dominance operates by age, the characteristic properties of the dominant element come out more prominently in different age groups. We are actually very familiar with these properties – with a child, adolescent, middle age, etc.

Familiarize yourself with the elements and their age-related properties in more detail at the website link – “Positive Concentration Method” .

Park Jae Woo: 6 Elements Wheel

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